OpenAPI 1.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use AQDataRow   

Uses of AQDataRow in

Subinterfaces of AQDataRow in
 interface AQColumnStructure
          Class describes the structure of table data.

Methods in that return AQDataRow
 AQDataRow AQDataSet.addRow()
          Add a new row to the end of the list of rows.
 AQDataRow AQDataSet.addRowWithValues(Object... values)
          Add a new row with the specified column values at the end of the data set.
 AQDataRow AQDataSet.get(int index)
          Returns the data row at the specified position.
 AQDataRow AQDataSet.insertRow(int index)
          Insert a new row at specified index.
 AQDataRow AQDataSet.insertRowWithValues(int index, Object... values)
          Insert a new row at specified index with the specified column values.
 AQDataRow AQDataSet.remove(int index)
          Removes the element at the specified position in the data set.

Methods in with parameters of type AQDataRow
 void AQDataSet.add(AQDataRow row)
          Append a new row at the end of the data set.
 void AQExcelSpreadsheet.insert(AQDataRow dataRow)
          Inserts the row of values into the current worksheet, starting with the current row and column.
 void AQDataSet.insert(int index, AQDataRow row)
          Insert row at the specified index.

Uses of AQDataRow in

Methods in that return AQDataRow
 AQDataRow AQTableWriter.newDataRow()
          Constructs a new empty data row.
 AQDataRow AQDataReader.readNextRow()
          Returns a next data row or null if no more rows is available, or end of file is reached.

Methods in with parameters of type AQDataRow
 void AQDataWriter.write(AQDataRow od)
          Writes a single data row to the output stream.

Uses of AQDataRow in com.aquafold.openapi.rdbms

Methods in com.aquafold.openapi.rdbms that return AQDataRow
 AQDataRow AQResultSet.getRow()
          Extracts current data row.

OpenAPI 1.0

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