OpenAPI 1.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use AQFileSet

Uses of AQFileSet in com.aquafold.openapi.archive

Methods in com.aquafold.openapi.archive with parameters of type AQFileSet
 void fileSet, String cabFile)
          Creates a Microsoft CAB archive file.
 void AQArchive.ear(AQFileSet[] fileSets, String earFile, String appXMLFile)
          An extension of the Jar task with special treatment for a collection of AQFileSets that ends up as an EAR (Enterprise Archive).
 void AQArchive.ear(AQFileSet fileSet, String earFile, String appXMLFile)
          An extension of the Jar task with special treatment for an AQFileSet that ends up as an EAR file.
 void AQArchive.jar(AQFileSet[] fileSets, String jarFile)
          Jars a set of files as defined in an AQFileSet.
 void AQArchive.jar(AQFileSet fileset, String jarFile)
          Jars a set of file as defined in an array of fileset
 void AQArchive.tar(AQFileSet[] fileSets, String tarFile)
          Create a tar archive from a set of files defined as an AQFileSet.
 void AQArchive.tar(AQFileSet fileSet, String tarFile)
          Creates a tar archive from an AQFileSet.
 void AQArchive.war(AQFileSet[] fileSets, String warFile, String webXMLFile)
          An extension of the Jar task with special treatment for a collection of AQFileSets that ends up WAR (Web Application Archive) file.
 void AQArchive.war(AQFileSet fileSet, String warFile, String webXMLFile)
          An extension of the Jar task with special treatment for a single AQFileSet that should end up in the WEB-INF/lib, WEB-INF/classes, or WEB-INF directories of the Web Application Archive.
 void[] fileSets, String zipFile)
          Creates a zip file from a list of AQFileSet.
 void fileSet, String zipFile)
          Creates a zip file from a single AQFileSet.

Uses of AQFileSet in com.aquafold.openapi.filesystem

Methods in com.aquafold.openapi.filesystem that return AQFileSet
 AQFileSet AQFileSystem.newFileSet()
          Returns a new instance of FileSet.

Methods in com.aquafold.openapi.filesystem with parameters of type AQFileSet
 void AQFileSystem.concat(AQFileSet fileset, String file)
          Concatenates multiple files into a single one or displays to the console if file is not set.
 void AQFileSystem.copyFileSets(AQFileSet[] filesets, String destination)
          Copies a list of files as specified by the AQFilesSet object.
 void AQFileSystem.deleteFileSets(AQFileSet[] filesets)
          Deletes files and directories as specified in the AQFileSet object.
 void AQFileSystem.moveFileSets(AQFileSet[] filesets, String destination)
          Move files as specified in the AQFileSet object to a new location.
 String[] AQFileSystem.scan(AQFileSet fileset)
          Scans a directory as defined in a fileset and returns a list of files.

Uses of AQFileSet in

Methods in that return AQFileSet
 AQFileSet AQFtpFileSystem.newFileSet()
          Returns a new instance of local FileSet.
 AQFileSet AQHadoopDistributedFileSystem.newFileSet()
          Returns a new instance of local FileSet.

Methods in with parameters of type AQFileSet
 void AQFtpFileSystem.copyFromLocalFileSets(AQFileSet[] filesets, String destination)
          Copies local files as specified in the AQFileSet object to a new FS location.
 void AQHadoopDistributedFileSystem.copyFromLocalFileSets(AQFileSet[] filesets, String destination)
          Copies local files as specified in the AQFileSet object to a new FS location.
 void AQNet.ftpFrom(String server, Object userid, Object password, AQFileSet fileset, String remotedir)
          Copies file(s) from a FTP server.
 void AQNet.ftpTo(String server, Object userid, Object password, AQFileSet fileset, String remotedir)
          Copies file(s) to a FTP server.
 void AQFtpFileSystem.moveFromLocalFileSets(AQFileSet[] filesets, String destination)
          Moves local files as specified in the AQFileSet object to a new FS location.
 void AQHadoopDistributedFileSystem.moveFromLocalFileSets(AQFileSet[] filesets, String destination)
          Moves local files as specified in the AQFileSet object to a new FS location.
 void AQNet.scpTo(String file, AQFileSet fileset, Object todir, String host, Object username, Object password, Object keyfile, Object passphrase, Boolean trust, String knownhosts)
          Copies file(s) from the local machine to a remote machine running an SSH daemon
 void AQNet.sftpTo(String file, AQFileSet fileset, String todir, String host, Object username, Object password, String keyfile, Object passphrase, Boolean trust, String knownhosts)
          Copies file(s) from the local machine to a remote machine running an SSH daemon

OpenAPI 1.0

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