OpenAPI 1.0

Interface AQAqua

public interface AQAqua

An interface for AquaScript runtime environment.

An instance of a class implementing this interface is bound to the script engine global context under a name "aqua". This makes possible to access runtime objects simply as fields of a global object named aqua.

For example, to obtain a list of project's server connections, write

var connections = aqua.project.serverConnections;

which is equivalent to

var connections = aqua.getProject().getServerConnections();

Method Summary
 void exit()
          Terminates the current script.
 AQArchive getArchive()
          Returns a singleton object which facilitates operations with compressed files.
 AQChartFactory getChart()
          Returns a singleton object which provides charting functionality.
 AQCompareFactory getCompare()
          Returns a singleton object which provides compare functionality.
 AQConsole getConsole()
          Returns a console object.
 AQCrypto getCrypto()
          Returns a singleton object which provides cryptographic functionality.
 AQDataFactory getData()
          Returns a singleton object which facilitates operations with data sets.
 AQFileSystem getFilesystem()
          Returns a singleton object which facilitates operations with the local file system.
 AQFormFactory getForm()
          Returns a form factory which can be used to generate html forms.
 AQGUI getGui()
          Returns an object which provides access to Swing GUI elements.
 String getIconURL(String name)
          Returns a URL for an icon in the bundled icon set.
 AQInputOutputFactory getIo()
          Returns a singleton object which provides input/output functionality.
 AQMail getMail()
          Returns a singleton object which facilitates operations with the mail subsystem.
 AQMath getMath()
          Returns a singleton object which provides easy access to mathematical operations.
 AQNet getNet()
          Returns a singleton object which provides network functionality.
 AQProject getProject()
          Returns a project reference.
 AQRandomFactory getRandom()
          Returns a singleton object which provides random data generator functionality.
 AQReportFactory getReport()
          Returns a singleton object which provides report functionality.
 AQRequest getRequest()
          Returns the servlet request object associated with the current script.
 AQResponse getResponse()
          Returns the servlet response object associated with the current script.
 long getStartTime()
          Returns script start time in milliseconds.
 AQSystem getSystem()
          Returns a singleton object which provides access to system functions.
 AQType getType()
          Returns a singleton object which provides data type manipulation and validation functionality.
 String getUserName()
          Returns the user name.
 AQUtil getUtil()
          Returns a singleton object which provides utility functions.
 AQVersionControl getVcs()
          Returns a singleton object which provides an entry point for version control functionality.
 String getVersion()
          Returns AquaScript runtime engine version string.

Method Detail


String getVersion()
Returns AquaScript runtime engine version string.


void exit()
Terminates the current script.


AQConsole getConsole()
Returns a console object.


AQArchive getArchive()
Returns a singleton object which facilitates operations with compressed files.


AQChartFactory getChart()
Returns a singleton object which provides charting functionality.


AQCompareFactory getCompare()
Returns a singleton object which provides compare functionality.


AQCrypto getCrypto()
Returns a singleton object which provides cryptographic functionality.


AQDataFactory getData()
Returns a singleton object which facilitates operations with data sets.


AQFileSystem getFilesystem()
Returns a singleton object which facilitates operations with the local file system.


AQInputOutputFactory getIo()
Returns a singleton object which provides input/output functionality.


AQMail getMail()
Returns a singleton object which facilitates operations with the mail subsystem.


AQMath getMath()
Returns a singleton object which provides easy access to mathematical operations.


AQNet getNet()
Returns a singleton object which provides network functionality.


AQProject getProject()
Returns a project reference.


AQRandomFactory getRandom()
Returns a singleton object which provides random data generator functionality.


AQReportFactory getReport()
Returns a singleton object which provides report functionality.


AQUtil getUtil()
Returns a singleton object which provides utility functions.


AQVersionControl getVcs()
Returns a singleton object which provides an entry point for version control functionality.


String getUserName()
Returns the user name.


AQRequest getRequest()
Returns the servlet request object associated with the current script.


AQResponse getResponse()
Returns the servlet response object associated with the current script.


AQFormFactory getForm()
Returns a form factory which can be used to generate html forms.


String getIconURL(String name)
Returns a URL for an icon in the bundled icon set.

Example : aqua.getIconURL("aquafold/database/database.png")


AQSystem getSystem()
Returns a singleton object which provides access to system functions.


long getStartTime()
Returns script start time in milliseconds. The time is reported as defined by System.currentTimeMillis().


AQType getType()
Returns a singleton object which provides data type manipulation and validation functionality.


AQGUI getGui()
Returns an object which provides access to Swing GUI elements. This method throws an exception if GUI components are not available on the current platform.

OpenAPI 1.0

Copyright © 2010 AquaFold, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.