OpenAPI 1.0

Interface AQMetadata

public interface AQMetadata

This interface provides means to learn and manipulate the database structure.

Most of the methods take a database and/or schema parameter. This will have different affects according to the database type you are connecting to.

Here is a list of database vendors and whether they take a database and/or a schema parameter :-

Databaseuse databaseuse schema
Apache Cassandra YN
Apache Derby NY
Apache Hive YN
DB2 iSeries NY
Greenplum NY
Informix YN
Microsoft Excel YY
Microsoft SQL Server YY
MongoDB YN
nCluster NY
Oracle NY
ParAccel NY
PostgreSQL NY
Sybase Anywhere YY
Sybase ASE YY
Sybase IQ YY
TeraData YN
Vertica NY
Windows Azure YY

Method Summary
 AQArrayType extractArrayType(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get an array type specified from the database.
 AQArrayType[] extractArrayTypes(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of array types from the database schema.
 AQAssembly[] extractAssemblies(String database)
          To get a list of assembly objects from the database.
 AQAsymmetricKey[] extractAsymmetricKeys(String database)
          To get a list of symmetric keys from the database.
 AQCertificate[] extractCertificates(String database)
          To get a list of the certificates from the database.
 AQCluster extractCluster(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get a cluster specified from the schema.
 AQCluster[] extractClusters(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of clusters from the schema.
 AQDatabase extractDatabase(String name)
          Returns a single AQDatabase element by database name.
 AQDatabaseLink extractDatabaseLink(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get a database link object.
 AQDatabaseLink[] extractDatabaseLinks(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of database links.
 AQDatabase[] extractDatabases()
          Returns an array containing all the database elements that exist in the metadata object in the form of AQDatabase Objects.
 AQDataType extractDataType(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get user defined data type object.
 AQDataType[] extractDataTypes(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of user defined data types.
 AQDefault extractDefault(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get an user defined default object.
 AQDefault[] extractDefaults(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of user defined defaults.
 AQDimension extractDimension(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get an AQDimension object specified by the user.
 AQDimension[] extractDimensions(String database, String schema)
          To get an array of AQDimension objects.
 AQEvent extractEvent(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get an AQEvent object specified by the user.
 AQEvent[] extractEvents(String database, String schema)
          To get an array of AQEvent objects.
 AQFunction[] extractFunctions(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of user defined Functions.
 AQIndex extractIndex(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get an user defined index object.
 AQIndex[] extractIndexes(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of user defined indexes.
 AQJavaResource extractJavaResource(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get a java resource as specified by the user.
 AQJavaResource[] extractJavaResources(String database, String schema)
          To get list of java resources.
 AQJavaSource extractJavaSource(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get a java source as specified by the user.
 AQJavaSource[] extractJavaSources(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of java sources.
 AQLanguage[] extractLanguages()
          To get a list the languages supported by the server.
 AQMatView extractMatView(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get a materialized view from the database server as specified by the user.
 AQMatView[] extractMatViews(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of materialized views.
 AQNickname extractNickname(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get the information of a table nickname specified by the user.
 AQNickname[] extractNicknames(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of defined nicknames for tables in a database.
 AQObjectType extractObjectType(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get information of object type as specified by the user.
 AQObjectType[] extractObjectTypes(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of object types defined in the schema.
 AQPackage extractPackage(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get information on a database package object as specified by the user.
 AQPackageBody[] extractPackageBodies(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of database package bodies.
 AQPackageBody extractPackageBody(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get information on a database package body object as specified by the user.
 AQPackage[] extractPackages(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of packages from the database.
 AQProcedure[] extractProcedures(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of store procedures from the database.
 AQQueue extractQueue(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get information on a database queue specified by the user.
 AQQueue[] extractQueues(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of database queues.
 AQRefreshGroup extractRefreshGroup(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get information on a refresh group as specified by the user.
 AQRefreshGroup[] extractRefreshGroups(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of refresh groups.
 AQDatabaseLink[] extractRemoteServers(String database)
          To get a list of remote databases.
 AQRole extractRole(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get a role from the database as specified by the user.
 AQRole[] extractRoles(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of roles from the database.
 AQRule extractRule(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get rule from the database as specified by the user.
 AQRule[] extractRules(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of rules from the database schema.
 AQSchema extractSchema(String database, String name)
          To get information on the schema specified by the user.
 AQSchema[] extractSchemas(String database)
          To get a list of database schemas.
 AQSegment extractSegment(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get the information on the segment specified.
 AQSegment[] extractSegments(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of segments from the database.
 AQSequence extractSequence(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get information on the sequence specified.
 AQSequence[] extractSequences(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of sequences from the database.
 AQSymmetricKey[] extractSymmetricKeys(String database)
          To get a list of asymmetric keys from the database.
 AQSynonym extractSynonym(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get the specified synonym from the database.
 AQSynonym[] extractSynonyms(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of synonyms from the database.
 AQTable extractTable(String database, String schema, String name)
          Returns a single AQDatabase element by database/Schema

 AQTable[] extractTables(String database, String schema)
          Returns an array containing all the table elements that exist in the specified database/schema in the form of AQTable Objects.
 AQTableType extractTableType(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get information on the specified table type.
 AQTableType[] extractTableTypes(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of table types from the database.
 AQTrigger extractTrigger(String database, String schema, String name, String tableSchema, String tableName)
          To get information on a trigger specified by the trigger name, table and the name of the table schema.
 AQTrigger[] extractTriggers(String database, String schema)
          To get a list triggers from the database.
 AQUser extractUser(String database, String schema, String name)
          To get information on a user as specified.
 AQUser[] extractUsers(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of database users.
 AQView extractView(String database, String schema, String name)
          Returns a single AQView element by database & Schema

 AQView[] extractViews(String database, String schema)
          To get a list of views from the database.
 AQXmlSchemaCollection[] extractXmlSchemaCollections(String database)
          To get a list of XML schema collections from the database.
 String getCurrentDatabase()
          Get the current database the connection is connected to.
 String[] getDataTypes()
          To get a list of valid data types supported by the server.
 String getLeadingColumnQuoteIdentifier()
          To get the database specific leading column quote identifier.
 String getLeadingObjectQuoteIdentifier()
          To get the database specific leading quote identifier.
 String getStatementSeparator()
          To get the database specific statement separator.
 String getTrailingColumnQuoteIdentifier()
          To get the database specific trailing column quote identifier.
 String getTrailingObjectQuoteIdentifier()
          To get the database specific trailing quote identifier.
 boolean isApacheDerby()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is an Apache Derby server.
 boolean isAzure()
          To test if the database backed by this connection is an Azure database.
 boolean isCassandra()
          To test if the database backed by this connection is an Apache Cassandra database.
 boolean isDB2()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a DB2 server.
 boolean isDB2iSeries()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a DB2 iSeries server.
 boolean isDB2zOS()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a DB2 zOS server.
 boolean isExcel()
          To test if the database backed by this connection is a Microsoft Excel database.
 boolean isGreenplum()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a Greenplum server.
 boolean isHana()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a SAP Hana server.
 boolean isHive()
          To test if the database backed by this connection is an Hive database.
 boolean isInformix()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is an Informix server.
 boolean isMongoDB()
          To test if the database backed by this connection is a MongoDB database.
 boolean isMssql()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a MSSQL server.
 boolean isMySQL()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a MySQL server.
 boolean isNCluster()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a nCluster server.
 boolean isNetezza()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a Netezza server.
 boolean isOracle()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is an Oracle server.
 boolean isParAccel()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a ParAccel server.
 boolean isPostgreSQL()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a PostgreSQL server.
 boolean isRedShift()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a PostgreSQL server.
 boolean isSQLite()
          To test if the database backed by this connection is a SQLite database.
 boolean isSybaseAnywhere()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a Sybase Anywhere server.
 boolean isSybaseASE()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a Sybse ASE server.
 boolean isSybaseIQ()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a Sybase IQ server.
 boolean isTeradata()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a TeraData server.
 boolean isVertica()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a Vertica server.
 boolean isVoltDB()
          To test if the server backed by this connection is a VoltDB server.

Method Detail


AQDatabase[] extractDatabases()
Returns an array containing all the database elements that exist in the metadata object in the form of AQDatabase Objects.

Not all Servers use multiple databases in a single server, so this method may not return more than a single element for some server types.

Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, SybaseASE & TeraData use many databases with schemas per database and may return an array.

Apache Derby, DB2, DB2Iseries, DB2zOS, Oracle & OracleOCI are schema driven and will only return a single database.

Apache Cassandra, Greenplum, NCluster, PostgreSQL, SybaseAnywhere & SybaseIQ are database driven but you may only be connected to one database at a time and thus one database object extraction at a time.

An array of AQDatabase objects.


AQDatabase extractDatabase(String name)
Returns a single AQDatabase element by database name.

name - The name of the database.
An AQDatabase object; null if database specified does not exist.


AQTable[] extractTables(String database,
                        String schema)
Returns an array containing all the table elements that exist in the specified database/schema in the form of AQTable Objects.

The database and schema parameters will have different affects according to the database type you are connecting to. for example:

SQL Server has databases & schemas

db2 / oracle only uses schemas

mysql only uses databases

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQTable object; empty array if no tables exist.


AQTable extractTable(String database,
                     String schema,
                     String name)
Returns a single AQDatabase element by database/Schema

The database and schema parameters will have different affects according to the database type you are connecting to. for example:

SQL Server has databases & schemas

db2 / oracle only uses schemas

mysql only uses databases

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the table.
An AQTable object; null if the specified table does not exist.


AQLanguage[] extractLanguages()
To get a list the languages supported by the server.

This method only applies to the following databases:

An array of AQLanguage objects; array will be zero length if no languages exist.


AQSchema[] extractSchemas(String database)
To get a list of database schemas.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
An array of AQSchema objects; array will be zero length if no schemas exist.


AQSchema extractSchema(String database,
                       String name)
To get information on the schema specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
name - The name of the schema.
An AQSchema object; null if schema specified does not exist.


AQAssembly[] extractAssemblies(String database)
To get a list of assembly objects from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
An array of AQAssembly object; empty array if there are no assemblies.


AQCertificate[] extractCertificates(String database)
To get a list of the certificates from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - Name of the database
An AQCertificate object; null if no certificates exist;


AQDatabaseLink[] extractRemoteServers(String database)
To get a list of remote databases.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
An array of AQDatabaseLink objects; array will be zero length if no remote servers exist.


AQSymmetricKey[] extractSymmetricKeys(String database)
To get a list of asymmetric keys from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
An array of AQSymmetricKey objects; array will be zero length if no symmetric keys exist.


AQAsymmetricKey[] extractAsymmetricKeys(String database)
To get a list of symmetric keys from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
An array of AQAsymmetricKey objects; array will be zero length if no asymmetric keys exist.


AQXmlSchemaCollection[] extractXmlSchemaCollections(String database)
To get a list of XML schema collections from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
An array of AQXmlSchemaCollection objects; empty array if no schema collection exist.


AQView[] extractViews(String database,
                      String schema)
To get a list of views from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema
Array of AQView Objects; empty array if no views exists.


AQView extractView(String database,
                   String schema,
                   String name)
Returns a single AQView element by database & Schema

The database and schema parameters will have different affects according to the database type you are connecting to. for example:

SQL Server has databases & schemas

db2 / oracle only uses schemas

mysql only uses databases

database - The database in which to retrieve data from
schema - The schema in which to retrieve data from
name - The name of the view which is to be extracted
An AQView object; null if specified view does not exist.


AQArrayType[] extractArrayTypes(String database,
                                String schema)
To get a list of array types from the database schema.

This method only applies to the following databases:

An array of AQArrayType object; empty array if there are no array types.


AQArrayType extractArrayType(String database,
                             String schema,
                             String name)
To get an array type specified from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the array type.
An AQArrayType object; the array will be zero length if no array type exist.


AQCluster[] extractClusters(String database,
                            String schema)
To get a list of clusters from the schema.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQCluster objects; empty array if no clusters exist.


AQCluster extractCluster(String database,
                         String schema,
                         String name)
To get a cluster specified from the schema.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the cluster.
An AQCluster object; null if specified cluster object does not exist.


AQDatabaseLink[] extractDatabaseLinks(String database,
                                      String schema)
To get a list of database links.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQDatabaseLink objects; empty array if no database linkes exist.


AQDatabaseLink extractDatabaseLink(String database,
                                   String schema,
                                   String name)
To get a database link object.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - Name of the database.
schema - Name of the schema.
name - Name of the database link.
An AQDatabaseLink object; null if the specified database link does not exist.


AQDataType[] extractDataTypes(String database,
                              String schema)
To get a list of user defined data types.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQDataType objects; empty array if no data types exist;


AQDataType extractDataType(String database,
                           String schema,
                           String name)
To get user defined data type object.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the user defined data type.
An AQDataType object; null if data type specified does not exist.


AQDefault[] extractDefaults(String database,
                            String schema)
To get a list of user defined defaults.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQDefault objects.


AQDefault extractDefault(String database,
                         String schema,
                         String name)
To get an user defined default object.
This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the user defined default.
An AQDefault object; null if default specified does not exist.


AQDimension[] extractDimensions(String database,
                                String schema)
To get an array of AQDimension objects.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQDimension objects; empty array if no dimensions exist.


AQDimension extractDimension(String database,
                             String schema,
                             String name)
To get an AQDimension object specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the dimension.
An AQDimension object; null if dimension specified does not exist.


AQEvent[] extractEvents(String database,
                        String schema)
To get an array of AQEvent objects.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQEvent objects; empty array if no events exist.


AQEvent extractEvent(String database,
                     String schema,
                     String name)
To get an AQEvent object specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the event.
An AQEvent object; null if specified event does not exist.


AQFunction[] extractFunctions(String database,
                              String schema)
To get a list of user defined Functions.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQFunction objects; empty array if no functions exist.


AQIndex[] extractIndexes(String database,
                         String schema)
To get a list of user defined indexes.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQIndex objects, empty array if no indexes exist.


AQIndex extractIndex(String database,
                     String schema,
                     String name)
To get an user defined index object.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the index.
An array of AQIndex objects.


AQJavaResource[] extractJavaResources(String database,
                                      String schema)
To get list of java resources.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQJavaResource objects; empty array if no java resources exist.


AQJavaResource extractJavaResource(String database,
                                   String schema,
                                   String name)
To get a java resource as specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An AQJavaResource object; null if specified java resource does not exist.


AQJavaSource[] extractJavaSources(String database,
                                  String schema)
To get a list of java sources.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQJavaSource objects; array will be zero length if no java sources exist.


AQJavaSource extractJavaSource(String database,
                               String schema,
                               String name)
To get a java source as specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An AQJavaSource object; null if specified java source does not exist.


AQMatView[] extractMatViews(String database,
                            String schema)
To get a list of materialized views.
This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQMetView; array will be zero length if no materialized views exist.


AQMatView extractMatView(String database,
                         String schema,
                         String name)
To get a materialized view from the database server as specified by the user.
This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the materialized view.
An AQMatView object; null if specified materialized view does not exist.


AQNickname[] extractNicknames(String database,
                              String schema)
To get a list of defined nicknames for tables in a database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQNickname objects; array will be zero length if no table nicknames exist.


AQNickname extractNickname(String database,
                           String schema,
                           String name)
To get the information of a table nickname specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The nickname.
An AQNickname object; null if nickname specified does not exist.


AQObjectType[] extractObjectTypes(String database,
                                  String schema)
To get a list of object types defined in the schema.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQObjectType objects; array will be zero length if no object types exist.


AQObjectType extractObjectType(String database,
                               String schema,
                               String name)
To get information of object type as specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the object type.
An AQObjectType object; null if object type specified does not exist


AQPackage[] extractPackages(String database,
                            String schema)
To get a list of packages from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQPackage object; array will be zero length if no packages exist.


AQPackage extractPackage(String database,
                         String schema,
                         String name)
To get information on a database package object as specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the package.
An AQPackage object; null if package specified does not exist


AQPackageBody[] extractPackageBodies(String database,
                                     String schema)
To get a list of database package bodies.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQPackageBody object; array will be zero length if no package bodies exist.


AQPackageBody extractPackageBody(String database,
                                 String schema,
                                 String name)
To get information on a database package body object as specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the package body.
An AQPackageBody object; null if package body specified does not exist


AQQueue[] extractQueues(String database,
                        String schema)
To get a list of database queues.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQQueue objects; array will be zero length if no queues exist.


AQQueue extractQueue(String database,
                     String schema,
                     String name)
To get information on a database queue specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the queue.
An AQQueue object; null if queue specified does not exist.


AQProcedure[] extractProcedures(String database,
                                String schema)
To get a list of store procedures from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQProcedure objects; array will be zero length if no store procedures exist.


AQSynonym[] extractSynonyms(String database,
                            String schema)
To get a list of synonyms from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQSynonym objects; array will be zero length if no synonyms exist.


AQSynonym extractSynonym(String database,
                         String schema,
                         String name)
To get the specified synonym from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the synonym.
An AQSynonym object; null if synonym specified does not exist.


AQRefreshGroup[] extractRefreshGroups(String database,
                                      String schema)
To get a list of refresh groups.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQRefreshGroup objects; array will be zero length if no refresh group exist.


AQRefreshGroup extractRefreshGroup(String database,
                                   String schema,
                                   String name)
To get information on a refresh group as specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the refresh group.
An AQRefreshGroup object; null if refresh group specified does not exist.


AQRule[] extractRules(String database,
                      String schema)
To get a list of rules from the database schema.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQRule object; array will be zero length if no rules exist.


AQRule extractRule(String database,
                   String schema,
                   String name)
To get rule from the database as specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the rule.
An AQRule object; null if rule specified does not exist.


AQSegment[] extractSegments(String database,
                            String schema)
To get a list of segments from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQSegment objects; array will be zero length if no segments exist.


AQSegment extractSegment(String database,
                         String schema,
                         String name)
To get the information on the segment specified.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the segment.
An AQSegment object; null if specified segment does not exist.


AQSequence[] extractSequences(String database,
                              String schema)
To get a list of sequences from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQSequence objects; array will be zero length if no sequences exist.


AQSequence extractSequence(String database,
                           String schema,
                           String name)
To get information on the sequence specified.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the sequence.
An AQSequence object; null if specified sequence does not exist.


AQTableType[] extractTableTypes(String database,
                                String schema)
To get a list of table types from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQTableType objects; empty array if no table types exist.


AQTableType extractTableType(String database,
                             String schema,
                             String name)
To get information on the specified table type.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the table type.
An AQTableType object; null if the specified table type does not exist.


AQUser[] extractUsers(String database,
                      String schema)
To get a list of database users.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQUser objects; array is empty if no users exists.


AQUser extractUser(String database,
                   String schema,
                   String name)
To get information on a user as specified.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the user.
An AQUser object; null if the user does not exist.


AQRole[] extractRoles(String database,
                      String schema)
To get a list of roles from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An array of AQRole objects; array will be zero length if no roles exist.


AQRole extractRole(String database,
                   String schema,
                   String name)
To get a role from the database as specified by the user.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the role.
An AQRole object; null if role specified does not exist.


AQTrigger[] extractTriggers(String database,
                            String schema)
To get a list triggers from the database.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
An Array of AQTrigger objects; empty array if no triggers exist;


AQTrigger extractTrigger(String database,
                         String schema,
                         String name,
                         String tableSchema,
                         String tableName)
To get information on a trigger specified by the trigger name, table and the name of the table schema.

This method only applies to the following databases:

database - The name of the database.
schema - The name of the schema.
name - The name of the trigger.
tableSchema - The name of the schema where the table is associated with.
tableName - The name of the table where the trigger is associated with.
An AQTrigger object; null if specified trigger does not exist.


String getTrailingObjectQuoteIdentifier()
To get the database specific trailing quote identifier.

A String value.


String getLeadingObjectQuoteIdentifier()
To get the database specific leading quote identifier.

A String value.


String getStatementSeparator()
To get the database specific statement separator.

A String value.


String[] getDataTypes()
To get a list of valid data types supported by the server.

An array of data types as strings.


boolean isOracle()
To test if the server backed by this connection is an Oracle server.


boolean isMySQL()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a MySQL server.


boolean isMssql()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a MSSQL server.


boolean isHana()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a SAP Hana server.


boolean isDB2()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a DB2 server.


boolean isDB2zOS()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a DB2 zOS server.


boolean isDB2iSeries()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a DB2 iSeries server.


boolean isInformix()
To test if the server backed by this connection is an Informix server.


boolean isSybaseASE()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a Sybse ASE server.


boolean isSybaseAnywhere()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a Sybase Anywhere server.


boolean isSybaseIQ()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a Sybase IQ server.


boolean isApacheDerby()
To test if the server backed by this connection is an Apache Derby server.


boolean isNCluster()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a nCluster server.


boolean isTeradata()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a TeraData server.


boolean isNetezza()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a Netezza server.


boolean isParAccel()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a ParAccel server.


boolean isPostgreSQL()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a PostgreSQL server.


boolean isRedShift()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a PostgreSQL server.


boolean isGreenplum()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a Greenplum server.


boolean isVertica()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a Vertica server.


boolean isVoltDB()
To test if the server backed by this connection is a VoltDB server.


boolean isSQLite()
To test if the database backed by this connection is a SQLite database.


boolean isAzure()
To test if the database backed by this connection is an Azure database.


boolean isMongoDB()
To test if the database backed by this connection is a MongoDB database.


boolean isHive()
To test if the database backed by this connection is an Hive database.


boolean isCassandra()
To test if the database backed by this connection is an Apache Cassandra database.


boolean isExcel()
To test if the database backed by this connection is a Microsoft Excel database.


String getTrailingColumnQuoteIdentifier()
To get the database specific trailing column quote identifier.

This is a informix specific method.

A String value.


String getLeadingColumnQuoteIdentifier()
To get the database specific leading column quote identifier.

This is a informix specific method.

A String value.


String getCurrentDatabase()
Get the current database the connection is connected to.

The database name.

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Copyright © 2010 AquaFold, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.