Join our upcoming webinar to learn how to get started with Aqua Data Studio. During the sessions, you can get help from our team, ask questions, and find out why Aqua Data Studio is the leading universal IDE! Learn how to:
Register data sources and configure connections.
Build, debug, execute, analyze, and share SQL queries.
Edit, import, and export data, protect sensitive data, and generate test data.
Analyze data with visualizations and dashboards.
Manage objects, stored procedures, functions, and packages.
Compare and synchronize schema, data, files, and folders.
Create entity relationship diagrams.
Manage version control repositories.
Check and administer instances, storage, security, and sessions.
Schedule tasks and automate processes for custom workflows.
With support for over 40 platforms, Aqua Data Studio is the best universal IDE for database administrators, developers, and analysts to develop, access, manage, and visually analyze data for relational, NoSQL, and cloud platforms. Attend one of our events to learn more.