Whitepaper : Compare Four Leading Database IDEs

Today, numerous roles within an organization routinely work with the ever growing amounts of data contained in databases. No longer are databases the purview of just the information technology professionals such as application developers and database administrators.

Increasingly, business-oriented roles such as data scientists, business analysts, business managers, clerks, and even executives are required to be self-serving and self-sufficient when interacting with various databases. In most cases this self-enablement is due to modern database tools designed for the business oriented user.

In this whitepaper, we compare four leading database IDE solutions including Aquafold, Toad Data Point, DBeaver, DBVisualizer. Bert Scalzo examines the distinctive requirements for these business oriented users and which database is best suited to both addressing their needs, and the needs of technical users.

Databases are not business-user friendly. Organizations need a graphical user interface (GUI) so that users can interact with databases on their own terms. For example, they need to work through business language and mouse clicks, not programming language and scripts. Even technical users often opt to leverage GUIs.

Meet the Author: Bert Scalzo

Bert Scalzo is an Oracle ACE, blogger, author, speaker and database technology consultant. He has worked with all major relational databases, including Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. Bert’s work experience includes stints as product manager for multi-database tools such as DBArtisan and Aqua Data Studio at IDERA, and chief architect for the popular Toad family of products at Quest Software. He has three decades of Oracle® database experience and previously worked for both Oracle Education and Oracle Consulting. He holds several Oracle Masters certifications and his academic credentials include a BS, MS and Ph.D. in computer science, as well as an MBA.

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