Activation for Evaluation or Commercial use

Please review this documentation to see how to Activate the software for evaluation or commercial use.

Thank you for considering Aqua Data Studio.
If you have any technical questions, or are in need of support, please visit our support page.
For licensing questions, please visit our licensing page.

Online Activation

Online Activation Step 1 Step 1:

If this is your first time using Aqua Data Studio, you will
be prompted to either Activate a 14-Day Evaluation or Activate
a valid Commercial License the first time you launch.

Activation Dialog Step 2 Step 2:

To activate a valid license, select Commercial and enter the
company name and license key EXACTLY as you received it from
AquaFold, Inc. in your registration email. Do NOT include extra
spaces in front of or after your company name or license key.
Click Activate.

To evaluate for 14 days, select Evaluation at the top of the
dialog and click Activate 14-Day Evaluation.

Manual Activation

Manual Activation Step 1 Step 1: Click the Manual Activation button in the Help > License Dialog. You will be shown an authorization code. Copy this code by clicking the “Copy to Clipboard” button above it.

Click the link at the top of the Manual Activation window, which
launches your browser and directs you to a page where this code
will automatically be pasted.

Manual Activation Step 2 Step 2: Click “Get Activation Code”. A response code
will be generated in the right-hand side of the page. Copy the
contents of the Activation Code box.
Manual Activation Code Pasted Step 3: Paste the activation code from the website into the
right side of the Manual Activation dialog of Aqua Data Studio
and click “OK”.

Configure Proxy Settings

Activation Proxy Settings Button Step 1: If you are behind a proxy server, click the Proxy Settings button within the Help > License dialog.
Activation Proxy Settings Step 2: In the resulting window click “Detect Settings”. This should automatically fill out your proxy settings. If required, fill in your user name and password settings. If you know your proxy settings, check “Use Proxy Settings to Access the Internet” and fill in the information proxy settings yourself.